mercredi 24 juin 2009
le logo d'une ville
En furetant sur le net, je suis tombé sur un forum de discussions qui suivaient la mise en place du nouveau logo de Cincinnati .
Ces discussions sont une mine d'informations sur ce que les citoyens attendent d'un logo. Une fois enlevés les messages traditionnels sur le coût forcément très élevé payé pour un logo que n'importe quel citoyen lambda s'imagine capable de dessiner (dans le cas précis, il s'agit de 75 K$), les autres messages sont riches des réflexions sur :
le lien entre le logo d'une institution et celui d'un territoire,
les attentes des citoyens vis à vis de la représentation de leur imaginaire de la ville, ...
les réflexions d'internautes qui, ne connaissant pas la ville, renvoient leur envie de découvrir Cincinnati ou plus majoritairement de rester chez eux..
Ce que j'ai trouvé également intéressant c'est que ce logo a été financé par Macy's.
samedi 20 juin 2009
en Espagne aussi
Divulgar y debatir acerca del marketing como filosofía de gestión para ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida en las ciudades, desarrollar ofertas urbanas adecuadas para los ciudadanos y los visitantes o turistas, y realizar una adecuada promoción y comunicación. Al mismo tiempo que deben ser mejores lugares para vivir, las ciudades también se están convirtiendo en productos que compiten entre sí, en marcas y objetos de consumo de acuerdo con sus identidades.
Isla de los Museos Saadiyat. Abu Dhabi. Emiratos Árabes Unidos. |
El marketing puede ofrecer a las instituciones relacionadas con las ciudades un marco conceptual integral que ayude a identificar las ventajas competitivas de la ciudad; busque una diferenciación creativa; fomente valores de integración social, equilibrio medio-ambiental, y de excelencia en la configuración física y belleza de los paisajes urbanos.
mercredi 17 juin 2009
The city of your dreams
“Could you live here?” and “would you live here?” are two of the most common questions colleagues ask each other at the end of a business trip. Responses rarely take the form of a shrugged “I don’t know” or a half-hearted “I guess so”. Rather, they typically come in vehement declarations suggesting that considerable thought has gone into the topic already. Here are a few I’ve heard over the years:
On the train to Chicago’s O’Hare: “No way. It’s neither one thing nor the other and just look at this sad excuse of a train to the airport.”
In a cab to Vancouver International Airport: “Definitely not for me – seems a bit sleepy and limp.”
In a big Mercedes en route to Hong Kong’s Chek Lap Kok: “I could do it for a short stint but it wouldn’t be for the quality of life.”
Hitching a ride with an associate to Geneva’s Cointrin: “If I could get a great flat close to the lake and move my five closest friends, then it would be amazing.”
Being taxied to Fukuoka airport: “If I wanted the best of Japan but also great connections to the rest of Asia then it would be my first choice.”
How other surveys compare
Assessing quality of life is a difficult business and, as a result, surveys on the subject throw up different results.
The Economist Intelligence Unit’s liveability ranking, released this past Monday, put Vancouver, Canada, in the top spot out of 140 world cities, followed by Vienna .
Canada, Australia and Switzerland dominated the rest of the top 10, with Melbourne in third place, Toronto in fourth, Calgary and Perth tied for fifth/sixth, Geneva in eighth and Zürich and Sydney tied for ninth/10th. Helsinki was seventh, while London was 51st, behind Manchester at 46th. Asia’s best city was Osaka, Japan, at 13th, while the top US spot was Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 29th.
Mercer’s quality of living survey, released in April and covering 215 cities, was led by Vienna, followed by Zürich, Geneva, Vancouver and Auckland. Singapore was the most liveable Asian locale in 26th place, Honolulu was best in the US at 29th and London was the highest UK scorer at 38th.
There are similarities between these lists and Monocle’s and the reason is simple. According to Jon Copestake, editor of the EIU report, cities that score best tend to be mid-sized, in developed countries, offering culture and recreation but without the crime or infrastructure problems seen in places with larger populations.
Most of us tend to play some version of the game every time we travel and, while some quickly conclude they wouldn’t trade their current set-up for anywhere else in the world, I’d argue there are considerably more who are tempted to give up their current address for a place that promises better housing, worklife, transport, schools, restaurants, weather, shopping and weekend pursuits.
If there was a professional league for this particular sport, I’m quite confident I’d be on a huge contract and captain of my team. From the age of three I’ve always been on the move – I did two complete circuits of Winnipeg-Montreal-Toronto by the time I was 15 – and, since 1989, when I relocated to the far side of the Atlantic, I’ve been fascinated by the forces that make cities work (or not) and analysing the advantages and disadvantages to living in them.
My first stop in the UK was Manchester and, from the moment I stepped off the plane, I was looking south and east for a town with better weather, tastier food, more peaceful, polite neighbours and houses with proper heating and windows. London was the obvious choice and the place I ventured next. But for some reason I could hear Hamburg calling from across the North Sea.
That my mother was born in Lübeck, north of the city, might have had something to do with it. But, after a weekend visit in the 1990s, I was also smitten by the city’s compact and efficient airport, its cosy neighbourhoods dotted with inviting bakeries and shops, its centrally located lake, its great restaurants and even better bars. It also offered a buzzing media scene, with journalists working for Stern, Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Tempo, NDR and a host of other titles, broadcasters and agencies.
So I moved and spent two years marvelling at how the quality of life in north Germany could be so much better than in the UK capital. Apartments were not damp but warm and dry in spite of equally horrendous weather. One could get a meal at 11pm, instead of being told, sullenly, that the kitchen was closed. Even the doors of buildings closed with a more reassuring whoosh and a thud. The list goes on.
Unfortunately, for career reasons, I was forced to give up on Hamburg and return to London in 1994. Yet my wanderlust – and my obsession with stacking cities up against each other – has not abated.
It was about this time three years ago that I was hustling from London to Tokyo, Stockholm to Sydney, Barcelona to Geneva trying to secure financing for Monocle magazine as well as creating our first-year editorial plan. In the midst of my travels, I suddenly realised we should create a new global “liveability” survey to challenge the ones put out by the likes of Mercer and the Economist Intelligence Unit each year.
In addition to looking at obvious cut-and-dried statistics such as average salaries, school performance and healthcare costs, we would ask our network of researchers to consider softer issues – physical and technological connectivity, tolerance, the strength of local media and culture and, of course, late-night eating and entertainment options.
The inaugural winner of Monocle’s “world’s most liveable city” award, in 2007, was Munich, which scored high in all our designated categories. (Given my Hamburg experience, I wasn’t surprised.) Then, last year, the German city was beaten by Copenhagen due to the Danish capital’s strong environmental efforts, subway network expansion and diverse neighbourhoods.
For 2009, we decided to tweak the metrics a bit, looking at three new factors: the independence of a city’s retail and restaurant scene (let’s call it the Zara/Starbucks index), the ease with which small business owners can start up operations and planned infrastructure improvements. More broadly, we considered the way in which locals and visitors are able to navigate and use everything from public parks to the local property market. In our view, places with the best quality of life are those with the fewest daily obstructions, allowing residents to be both productive and free of unnecessary stress.
Starting with a shortlist of more than 40 cities and taking these new elements into account, our rankings didn’t change dramatically. But Zürich did move into the top spot, thanks to outstanding and still improving public transport, including an expanding tram system and main rail station; ample leisure activities, including 50 museums and excellent restaurants; environmental activism in setting new emissions targets; good business culture, with local authorities offering both advice and low-cost office space; and its airport, which serves 170 destinations and is now in line for a SFr460m (£262m) revamp.
Copenhagen dropped to second place, reflecting a less impressive airport experience and a loss of flavour in its city centre, although it remains clean, green, cultural and virtually crime-free, while Tokyo held its number-three position, with big improvements to its main rail station and Haneda airport in the works on top of its already impeccable service-based economy. Oslo entered the top 20; Auckland returned after a one-year absence; and both Fukuoka and Berlin advanced several spots.
As usual, our list revealed that outside Japan and Singapore, Asia still has a lot of work to do, as does the US, with New York’s “world-capital” claim felled by the abysmal quality of its transport, public schools and housing stock (not to mention the carnage on Wall Street) and only Honolulu in Hawaii making the cut. Also, as is common in quality-of-life surveys, no African or South American cities were included, since the leading contenders – Santiago, Buenos Aires, Montevideo – all scored low on some basic metrics.
As for London, my home, it didn’t make the top 25 for many of the same reasons New York was omitted. So why am I still here? I can’t argue with the findings of the Monocle survey. Indeed, I once considered Zürich my dream city, with its speedy trains connecting me to skiing and Milan, its wonderful lake and bathing clubs, its pretty hillsides and solid Swiss apartments. Yet, when I eventually tried living there, I lasted less than a year. No matter how much the city had to offer, I couldn’t stand my narrow-minded neighbours. Zürich might have been a liveable city then but it wasn’t a welcoming one.
Have things changed? Well, aside from the improvements listed above, there is also a new mayor, the city’s first openly gay leader, who could do her bit to lighten the mood. Perhaps it’s time for me to give it another go.
For the moment, though, I’ll continue to endure London while simply sampling the top three on a regular basis – Zürich en route to skiing in St Moritz, Copenhagen when summering in Sweden and Tokyo for business trips at least once a month. Could I, would I, live in any of them full-time at some point in my life? Certainly.
vendredi 12 juin 2009
Le workshop de La Baule
Ceux qui ont fait l'effort ne l'ont pas regretté. D'abord parce qu'il y avait du beau monde dans l'assistance (entre autres les bloggeurs Boris Maynadier et Vincent Gollain, des consultants de haut niveau, des professionnels, ...) ensuite parce que dans l'ensemble, les présentations étaient intéressantes .
Cet atelier a commencé par une présentation de Natalie Rastoin, DG d'Ogilvy France qui a bien posé le débat autour des thématiques de la marque de territoire, des logos des grandes métropoles (tous en noir et rouge ... est-ce un hasard?). Le logo et la baseline sont la fin d'un process ... dont on ne peut faire l'économie. La création, le développement et la maintenance de la marque passe par la mise en place d'une véritable relation de confiance avec un groupe de "clients" .
Elle propose une décomposition de ces "clients" en trois groupes : les habitants, les entreprises et les touristes qui ont tous des besoins différents. La marque doit donc avoir des messages différents, mais bien entendu cohérents entre eux.
Pour ma part, je pense que dans les cibles, il faut ajouter les étudiants et les chercheurs qui me paraissent devoir être traités à part.
Quatre autres présentations ont suivi dont deux qui ne m'ont pas convaincu . La première, celle du DG de Marketing Frankfurt dont j'ai retenu qu'il mettait en avant la qualité de vie et ses saucisses, et la seconde, celle d'un cinéaste qui réalise de superbes films (il nous a présenté Londres et Dubaï) , mais qui m'interpellent en termes d'efficacité du message.
La troisième, celle d'Andy Levine , directeur de la société new-yorkaise DCI (Development Counsellors International) proposait 5 règles pour la marque de territoire :
R1- Soyez différents (et réellement différents ! ) Trouvez où se cache votre réelle valeur ajoutée pour vos cibles.
R2- un logo ne donne pas une stratégie -
R3- un veau ne se vend pas lui-même - la manière dont les autres parlent de vous est importante et c'est cela qu'il vaut mettre en avant
R4- trouvez le bon équilibre entre les messages vis à vis de votre population et ceux que vous destinez à l'extérieur
R5- Une seule marque de territoire est bien en théorie, mais cela marche rarement. Il vaut mieux cibler .
Jean Louis Missika nous a révélé le message de Paris pour se replacer dans la course aux capitales innovantes. Ce message s'appuie sur l'histoire (crédibilité, le message n'est pas artificiel, il s'ancre dans un passé riche, ...) et donne une vision pour l'avenir .
C'est à Natalie Rastoin qu'est revenue la difficile tâche de résumer l'atelier en séance pleinière. Voici ce que j'ai noté de ses conclusions :
- s'investir à fond dans la phase d'analyse pour avoir un bon brief.
- organiser explicitement la hiérarchie des buts et leurs interactions
- être cohérent et non monolithique dans les messages
- s'organiser pour que la population locale s'approprie la marque
- trouver le bon équilibre entre les média tangibles et intangibles
- mesurer pour être en capacité de réagir.
samedi 6 juin 2009
Région v/s Ville
mardi 2 juin 2009
la marque de ville est différente de la marque de l'institution
la marque de ville peut être "mycity" même si j'habite à Bledoloin,
la marque de ville se construit dans le temps et se respecte, et ce n'est pas une campagne de comm qui peut la modifier instantanément,
la marque de ville n'est pas un logo
Je me rends compte que si je remplace marque de ville par réputation de la ville, finalement même l'élu moyen est à même de comprendre.
Autre sujet de réflexion qui m'a traversé l'esprit, c'est celui de la marque 64 .... de territoire ? ou de T-shirts ?